The Road to Second Call

For its Second Call for Proposals, the Programme allocated indicatively 20.8 million EUR to joint Hungarian-Croatian projects, within three Priority Axes: Sustainable Use of Natural and Cultural Assets; Co-operation and Education.

The long-awaited moment arrived with the last day of January when the Managing Authority of the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme 2014-2020 (hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary as of summer 2018) in co-operation with the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, as the Croatian national authority, launched the Second Call for Proposals. Being the first chance for applying within the Programme since 2016, it is no wonder that many beneficiaries were eagerly awaiting that moment. 

In line with the Programme’s strategy, the Second Call for Proposals will provide funding to partnerships of non-profit organisations for joint projects within three of the Programme’s Priority Axes, aiming at achieving the following four specific objectives:
2.1 Convert the region’s natural and cultural heritage assets to tourism attractions with income generating capabilities
2.2  Restoring the ecological diversity in the border area
3.1 Involvement of more social and institutional actors in cross-border co-operation
4.1 Improve the role of educational institutions as intellectual centres for increasing the specific local knowledge-base in the region.
Based on the experiences of the previous programming period and the First Call of the current Interreg V-A era, the envisaged content of the projects is looking to capitalise on achieved results. Again, a strong focus is put on tourism development in the area, which has to be in line with the Regional Tourism Product Plan (RTPP) and its publically available compendium ‘Handbook to Tourism Projects’. 
The long, but not exhaustive list of suggested activities for each Priority Axis, as well as potential applicants and all the details on the requirements for the partnerships can be found on the Programme website in the Guidelines for Applicants and other supporting documents within the application package.  
It is important to note that the Priority Axis 1, aimed at supporting small and medium size enterprises (SMEs), is being implemented under special rules and in the framework of the so-called B Light Scheme. 
Following the best practice of the previous period as well as the First Call, the Programme actors have decided on the usual long submission period, leaving the applicants as many as 90 days to develop their project ideas into coherent, innovative and creative project proposals.
The biggest novelty of the Call launched on 31 January 2019 is that submission will be handled exclusively via IMIS i.e. electronic non-paper system.
The Second Call is open until the submission deadline: 3 May 2019, 15.00 CET, as logged by the IMIS system. Submission attempts after this deadline will be marked by the IMIS 2014-2020 Application Module as late submissions, and these applications will be rejected during the simplified formal and eligibility assessment, so please take special care to observe the deadline.
The Application Module of IMIS 2014-2020  can be accessed using the following link:!foAppHrLogin