New Programme, New Web

Easing into the implementation phase of the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme has been marked by the recent launch of the Programme’s Website.  As with the current Programme, the website will serve as the main communication tool, growing with the Programme and being tailored to its needs. 

Keeping the Programme as transparent as possible and constantly in touch with its beneficiaries has been at the core of the HU-HR CBC Programme’s communication strategy and it is the intention of the New Co-operation Programme to follow in that footsteps by keeping all the channels of communication continuously open for all questions and inquiries throughout the programme lifecycle.
As in the current Programme, the future one will rely on its website  as the central place for the dissemination of all the most important information to as wide a circle as possible, whether it be (potential) project partners, programme implementing bodies, media representatives or the general public.
Currently, just like the Programme, only in its very early stage, the website will constantly be upgraded and updated to serve the communication needs of the next generation of co-operation programmes.
For all the most recent news about the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme 2014-2020, regularly visit