Info Days and Partner Search 2019

The final locations and venues of the Information Days and Partner Search Forum for the Second Call for Proposals of the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Cooperation Programme have been announced.

HU-HR Interreg V-A Info Days 2019_final presentation


Four Info Days and one Partner Search Forum will be organised during the first two weeks of March, within which all the potential applicants will get all the information needed for a successful submission of their project proposals, and have a chance to find a suitable partner for their project partnerships.

The Infodays workshops will be held at four locations covering both the western and the eastern side of the Programme area, with the potential applicants from the former adjacent region (Croatian counties within the Programme area with no direct border to Hungary) welcome to join the workshops most easily accessible to them.

Potential applicants from both sides of the border searching for a project partner for their project idea are encouraged to participate in the Partner Search Forum on 13 March in Kaposvár, from 14.00– 16.00 p.m.

The full schedule of the workshops is available on the Info Days section of the Programme Websitewhile even more details can be found in the Special Edition of the Programme Newsletter.

Please register for the chosen Info Day(s) and Partner Search Forum: Registration Form.